Sargent Training
Face Treatments
Manuals contain the following content:
Health and Safety
Anatomy and Physiology
Contra Indications and Contra Actions
Treatment Protocol
1 Manual and Lesson Plan
5 Manuals and Lesson Plans
10 Manuals and Lesson Plans
Aromatherapy Facials
A training manual that gives the learner the necessary skills and techniques on how to provide a facial treatment using essential oils.
Chemical Peels
A training manual that gives the learner the necessary skills and techniques that are needed to provide a chemical peel treatment. This manual gives you the information on the different types of chemical peels and the correct usage for each skin condition.
A training manual that gives the learner the necessary skills and techniques that are needed to provide a Dermaplaning Facial.
A training manual that gives the learner the necessary skills and techniques that are needed to provide a basic facial.
Make up
A training manual that gives the learner the necessary skills and techniques that are needed to complete 2 make up looks.
Micro Current Facial
A training manual that gives the learner the necessary skills and techniques that are needed to provide a micro current facial.
Skin Needling
A training manual that gives the learner the necessary skills and techniques that are needed to provide a skin needling facial. This manual gives you the information on both Derma Roller and a Micro Needling machine.
Meso Therapy
A training manual that gives the learner the necessary skills and techniques that are needed to provide a Meso therapy Facial.
LED Light Therapy
A training manual that gives the learner the necessary skills and techniques that are needed to provide an LED Light Therapy Facial. This manual gives you the information on the different lights and the indications that they are used to treat.
Indian Head Massage
A training manual that gives the learner the necessary skills and techniques that are needed to provide an Indian Head Massage.
Oriental Head Massage
A training manual that gives the learner the necessary skills and techniques that are needed to provide an Oriental Head Massage
Facial with Skin Care
A training manual that gives the learner the necessary skills and techniques that are needed to provide a facial. This training manual contains information on how to identify skin types, skin problems and conditions.
Hopi Ear Candle
A training manual that gives the learner the necessary skills and techniques that are needed to provide a Hopi ear candle treatment.